Final Music Video

Album Cover

Album Cover


Click the picture to go to our website

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Behind the scenes

This our behind the scenes video. Although a lot of it is comprised of outtakes, there are some interesting moments too - for example, we get a better look at our props and our lighting set ups. There are also some cut scenes involving an action man figure , and people trapped in coffins. Just another day in the life of Group Two

Monday, November 21, 2011

Rough Edit: Sequence

We finished the rough edit of the sequence on Monday and got feedback on it. Here is a summary of the main feedback points:
  • Narrative needs to show more progression, start seems a bit loose (input more candle shots and boyfriend shots instead of pulpit shots)
  • Change the first chorus so there is more movement in the shots, seems a bit too static
  • Input more CU of lead singer during first verse, change the opening band shot so that there is less black space
  • Shots need to go in closer, input more CU
  • Only show lead singer on the breakdown, don't go to the ECU of guitar

Friday, November 18, 2011

Rough Edit: Album Cover

We completed the rough edit of our album cover this week, which we then got feedback for before we edited it again to make it a final copy.
Our feedback is as follows:

  • Add a white background to the behind disc cover so you can see the skull logo more clearly
  • Add barcode to the institutional information (We also inputted our QR code here)
  • Back cover looks too dull, add an effect to it
  • Add an effect to the inside cover, also looks too dull
From our feedback, we are going to keep the front cover the same, as that was good. We are also going to try a spray paint effect on the back cover and make the inside cover black and white, although we will keep the eye colours of the band members.

Rough Edit: Website

Today we finished a rough edit of the website ready for feedback.
Here is the feedback we received:
  • Make sure your link to buy the single works (couldn't be clicked on)
  • Too much white space on the Gallery, News and Competition pages, put in some more visuals
  • Include a link to the record label's website
  • Organise the gallery page a bit better, looks slightly unfinished